Boicottaggio, Disinvestimento e Sanzioni per i diritti del popolo palestinese.

Versione italiana

On May 23, activists from BDS Rome interrupted the talk of HPE Italy Vice President Claudio Bassoli in a packed hall at ForumPA, the public administration trade fair, to raise awareness about the over 1,000 Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons since 17 April.

HP is the target of an international boycott campaign over its role in providing the technology of Israeli oppression, including the prisons where Palestinian political prisoners are detained in violation of international law, often without trial or charge and subjected to torture.

Palestinian political prisoners are calling for respect for their rights, such as an end to solitary confinement, access to medical care, family visits and an end to the cruel and degrading treatment they endure. The hunger strike has widespread support in Palestine, where general strikes have been held and there are calls for boycotts of Israeli products. After close to 40 days of hunger strike, the prisoners’ health conditions are deteriorating, becoming increasingly serious and putting their lives at risk.

Following the interruption, during which HPE was encouoraged to end involvement in Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights, or farc continued boycotts, Bassoli stated, "Anyway, HPE does not provide those services." Despite repeated requests from activists to confirm the statement, Bassoli remained silent. After being assured he would meet with the activists following the event, he said nothing more than "I said what I said" before leaving.

Many among the public expressed solidarity with the activists. "Good job, you did well." "You brought some truth here." "You made a good case."

If, as Bassoli claims, HPE is not involved in Israeli activities violating international law, the company would do well to issue a public statement.

The boycott campaign against HP will continue until the US information technology giant ends all activities supporting Israel's regime of oppression and apartheid against Palestinians.

BDS Rome