Segue il testo della pubblicità di una pagina intera pubblicata su The Guardian con l'impegno di 343 accademici britannici a sostenere il boicottaggio accademico di Israele. 

Aggiornamento: In meno di 24 ore dopo il lancio di questa iniziativa, altri 160 docenti universitari hanno firmato l'appello, portando il numero dei firmatari a 500 (al 28 ottobre)


Come studiosi affiliati a università britanniche, siamo profondamente turbati dall’occupazione illegale della terra palestinese da parte di Israele, dalle intollerabili violazioni dei diritti umani che infligge a tutti i settori del popolo palestinese, e dalla sua apparente determinazione a opporsi a qualsiasi soluzione fattibile.

Pertanto, rispondendo all'appello della società civile palestinese, dichiariamo che:

• non accetteremo inviti a visitare istituzioni accademiche israeliane;

• non agiremo come arbitri in nessuno dei loro processi;

• non parteciperemo a conferenze finanziate, organizzate o sponsorizzate da loro, o comunque non collaboreremo con loro.

Tuttavia, continueremo a lavorare con i nostri colleghi israeliani singolarmente.

Manterremo questa posizione fino a quando lo Stato di Israele non si conformerà al diritto internazionale, e rispetterà i principi universali dei diritti umani.

Prime firme:

Dr. Maha Abdelrahman
University of Cambridge

Dr. Mariam Aboelezz
Lancaster University

Dr. Reem Abou-El-Fadl
SOAS University of London

Dr. Bashir Abu-Manneh 
University of Kent

Dr. Mohammad Abusara
University of Exeter

Prof. Gilbert Achcar
SOAS University of London

Prof. Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
SOAS University of London

Dr. Tawhida Ahmed
City University London

Prof. Sara Ahmed
Goldsmiths, University of London

Prof. Patrick Ainley
University of Greenwich

Prof. Nadje Al-Ali
SOAS University of London

Dr. Enam Al-Wer
University of Essex

Dr. Saydul Alam
Cardiff University

Dr. Randa Alami
SOAS University of London

Dr. Anne Alexander
University of Cambridge 

Dr. Rami Alfarra
University of Manchester

Dr. Nour Ali
University of Brighton

Dr. Lori Allen
SOAS University of London

Dr. Atef Alshaer
University of Westminster

Prof. Dibyesh Anand
University of Westminster

Prof. Humayun Ansari OBE
Royal Holloway University of London

Prof. Gautam Appa
London School of Economics

Dr. Walter Armbrust
University of Oxford

Dr. Doug Arnold
University of Essex

Prof. Alison Assiter
University of the West of England

Prof. Martin Atkinson
University of Essex

Prof. Derek Attridge
University of York

Nadira Auty
University of Cambridge

Dr. Grietje Baars
City University London

Dr. Claude Baesens
University of Warwick

Giles Bailey
Newcastle University

Prof. Mona Baker
University of Manchester

Dr. Anna Ball
Nottingham Trent University 

Dr. Lauren Banko
University of Manchester 

Dr. Nick Bardsley
University of Reading

Dr. Hannah Bargawi
SOAS University of London

Prof. Patrick Bateson FRS
University of Cambridge

Dr. Louis Bayman
University of Warwick 

Nicole Beardsworth
University of Warwick

Dr. Matthew Beaumont
University College London

Dr. Nick Beech
Oxford Brookes University

Dr. Alex Bellem
Durham University

Prof. Oren Ben-Dor
University of Southampton

Tony J Benn
University of Brighton

Dr. Anna Bernard
King's College London

Prof. Chris Berry
King's College London

Dr. Brenna Bhandar
SOAS University of London

Prof. Jenny Bimrose
University of Warwick

Prof. Ryan Bishop
University of Southampton

Dounia Bissar
University of Essex

Prof. Paul Blackledge
Leeds Beckett University

Prof. Iain Borden Hon FRIBA 
University College London

Prof. Hagit Borer
Queen Mary University of London 

Prof. Richard Bornat
Middlesex University 

Dr. Julia Borossa
Middlesex University

Dr. Mark Bould
University of the West of England

Prof. Glenn Bowman
University of Kent

Prof. Bill Bowring
Birkbeck, University of London

Dr. Robert Boyce
London School of Economics

Dr. Mark Boylan
Sheffield Hallam University 

Dr. Maud Bracke
University of Glasgow 

Prof. Bob Brecher
University of Brighton

Prof. Lindsay Bremner
University of Westminster

Prof. Haim Bresheeth
SOAS University of London

Prof. Celia Britton
University College London

Dr. Jamie Brown
University College London

Dr. Aldric Brown
University College London

Dr. Tom Bunyard
University of Brighton

Dr. Jethro Butler
University of Warwick

Prof. Erica Burman
University of Manchester 

Dr. Chris Burns-Cox
Bristol University 

Prof. Ray Bush
University of Leeds

Dr. Seán Byers
Queen's University Belfast

Prof. Alex Callinicos
King's College London 

Dr. Marina Carter
University of Edinburgh 

Dr. Henrique Carvalho
University of Warwick

Dr. Rinella Cere
Sheffield Hallam University

Dr. John Chalcraft
London School of Economics

Sir Iain Chalmers
James Lind Initiative

Dr. Anastasia Chamberlen
Birkbeck University of London

Dr. Claire Chambers
University of York

Prof. Michael Chanan
University of Roehampton

Dr. Shohini Chaudhuri
University of Essex

Dr. Andrew Chitty
University of Sussex

Dr. Amanda Chisholm
Newcastle University 

Prof. Imti Choonara
University of Nottingham 

Prof. Ian Christie FBA
Birkbeck University of London

Prof. Linda Clarke
University of Westminster 

Dr. Owen Clayton
University of Lincoln 

Catherine Cobham
University of St Andrews

Prof. Cynthia Cockburn
University of Warwick

Dr. Rachel Cohen
City University London

Dr. Luke Cooper
Anglia Ruskin University

Dr. John Cooper
University of Exeter

Prof. Vicki Coppock
Edge Hill University 

Prof. Matthew Cornford
University of Brighton

Prof. Elizabeth Cowie
University of Kent

Dr. John Cowley
City University London

Prof. Christopher Cramer
SOAS University of London

Dr. Don Crewe
Leeds Beckett University

Dr. Stephanie Cronin
University of Oxford

Dr. Jim Crowther
University of Edinburgh

Prof. Sean Cubitt
Goldsmiths University of London

Dr. David Cunningham
University of Westminster

Hamish Cunningham
University of Sheffield

Dr. Rowland Curtis
Queen Mary University of London

Mike Cushman
London School of Economics

Gareth Dale
Brunel University

Dr. Bucker Dangor
Imperial College London

Dr. Adam Darwish
University of Sussex

Dr. Konstantina Davaki
London School of Economics

Prof. Miriam David
University College London

Dr. Neil Davidson
University of Glasgow

Prof. Graham Dawson
University of Brighton

Prof. Wolfgang Deckers
American International University

Dr. Severine Deneulin
University of Bath

Dr. Mark Devenney
University of Brighton

Pat Devine
University of Manchester 

Prof. Jorge Díaz-Cintas
University College London

Prof. James Dickins
University of Leeds

Prof. Elizabeth Dore
University of Southampton

Prof. Laurence Dreyfus
University of Oxford

Dr. Judit Druks
University College London

Dr. Robin Dunford
University of Brighton

Dr. Sam Durrant
University of Leeds

Prof. Colin Eden
University of Strathclyde

Dr. Nadia Edmond
University of Brighton

Dr. William Edmondsonn
University of Birmingham

Michael Edwards
University College London

Prof. Steve Edwards
Open University

Prof. Rasheed El-Enany
University of Exeter

Dr. Nadine El-Enany
Birkbeck University of London

Prof. Mohamed El-Gomati
University of York

Dr. Ahmed Elgindy
University of Leeds

Prof. Ziad Elmarsafy
University of York

Dr. Nada Elzeer
SOAS University of London

Dr. Karen Evans
University of Liverpool

Dr. Eldin Fahmy
University of Bristol

Prof. Natalie Fenton
Goldsmiths University of London

Dr. Lorna Finlayson
King's College Cambridge

Dr. Anna Fisk
University of Glasgow

Dr. Peter Fletcher
Keele University 

Prof. Murray Fraser
University College London

Prof. Des Freedman
Goldsmiths University of London

Sarah Gartland
University of Roehampton

Prof. Conor Gearty
London School of Economics

Dr. Eddie Gerba
London School of Economics 

Prof. Fawaz Gerges
London School of Economics 

Dr. Tina Gharavi 
Newcastle University 

Rayya Ghul
Canterbury Christ Church University

Dr. Sabrina Gilani
University of Sussex

Dr. Philip Gilligan
University of Bradford

Dr. Priyamvada Gopal
University of Cambridge

Prof. Avery Gordon
Birkbeck University of London

Dr. Anthony Gorman
University of Edinburgh

Prof. Timothy Gorringe
University of Exeter

Prof. David Graeber
London School of Economics 

Dr. David Graham
Loughborough University

Prof. Helen Graham
Royal Holloway University of London

Prof. Penny Green
Queen Mary University of London

Dr. Lee Grieveson
University College London

Prof. Dorothy Griffiths FRSA 
Imperial College London 

Dr. Nick Hajli
Newcastle University 

Prof. Steve Hall
Teesside University

Prof. Peter Hallward
University of Kingston

Keith Hammond
University of Glasgow

Prof. Daphne Hampson
University of St Andrews

Dr. Adam Hanieh
SOAS University of London

Dr. SJ Hannahs
Newcastle University

Prof. Jane Hardy
University of Hertfordshire

Prof. Laurence Harris
SOAS University of London

Prof. Nigel Harris
University College London

Dr. Jason Hart
University of Bath

Dr. Rumy Hasan
University of Sussex 

Helen Hawari
Oxford-Brookes University 

Prof. Kamel Hawwash
University of Birmingham

Prof. Susan Hayward
University of Exeter

Dr. Jason Hickel
London School of Economics

Tom Hickey
University of Brighton

Prof. Susan Himmelweit
Open University

Prof. Mark Hindmarsh
University of Sussex

Prof. Clive Holes FBA
University of Oxford 

Dr Anne Hollows
Sheffield Hallam University 

Prof. Ted Honderich
University College London

Prof. Dick Hudson FBA
University College London

Dr. Edel Hughes
University of East London

Dr. Richard Hull
Goldsmiths University of London

Dr. Elizabeth Hull
SOAS University of London

Prof. Maggie Humm
University of East London

Prof. Nick Humphrey
Cambridge & London School of Economics

Prof. Richard Hyman
London School of Economics

Dr. Peter Jackson
University of Brighton

Dr. Russell Jackson
Sheffield Hallam University

Prof. Tim Jacoby 
University of Manchester 

Dr. Paula James
Open University

Dr. Ala Jebreel
University of Sheffield

Prof. Steve Jefferys
London Metropolitan University

Katharine Jenkins
University of Nottingham

Prof. David Johnson
Open University 

Cliff Jones
University of Liverpool

Dr. Bryn Jones
University of Bath

Dr. Peter Jones
Sheffield Hallam University

Prof. Joe Kai
University of Nottingham

Dr. Virinder Kalra
University of Manchester

Dr. Tahl Kaminer
University of Edinburgh

Dr. Nisha Kapoor
University of York

Dr. Barbara Karatsioli
Queen's University Belfast

Dr. Ghada Karmi
University of Exeter

Prof. Daniel Katz
University of Warwick

Dr. Michael Kearney
University of Sussex

Prof. Jeremy Keenan
SOAS University of London

Sarah Keenan
Birkbeck University of London

Dr. Paul Kelemen
University of Manchester

Dr. Susan Kelly
Goldsmiths University of London 

Dr. Christopher Kempshal
University of Sussex

Dr. Derek Kennet
Durham University

Prof. Laleh Khalili
SOAS University of London

Dr. Gholam Khiabany
Goldsmiths University of London

Prof. Sir Tom Kibble FRS
Imperial College London

Dr. Peter King
University of Oxford

Dr. Graeme Kirkpatrick
University of Manchester

Dr. David Kocman
University of Leicester 

Prof. John Kraniauskas
Birkbeck University of London

Ramesh Krishnamurthy
Aston University 

Dr. Ashok Kumar
Queen Mary University of London

Dr. Vidya Kumar
University of Birmingham

Dr. Adi Kuntsman
Manchester Metropolitan University 

Dr. Karima Laachir
SOAS University of London

Prof. Frank Land
London School of Economics

Prof. Ailsa Land
London School of Economics

Dr. Richard Lane
University of Sussex

Prof. Costas Lapavitsas
SOAS University of London

Dr. Nicholas Lawrence
University of Warwick

Prof. Tim Lawrence
University of East London

Prof. Neil Lazarus
University of Warwick

Dr. Anthony Leaker
University of Brighton

Prof. Dennis Leech
University of Warwick

Prof. Esther Leslie
Birkbeck University of London

Dr. Les Levidow
Open University

Prof. Malcolm Levitt FRS
University of Southampton

Dr. Jo Littler
City University London

Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky
SOAS University of London

Prof. Michael Loughlin
Manchester Metropolitan University 

Dr Rudi Lutz
University of Sussex

Prof. Roy Maarten
University of Portsmouth

David Mabb
Goldsmiths University of London

Prof. Moshe Machover
King's College London

Dr. Johanna Malt
King's College London

Dr. Ayo Mansaray
University of East Anglia

Prof. Wade Mansell
University of Kent

Prof. Cecilio Mar-Molinero
University of Kent

Prof. Philip Marfleet
University of East London

Dr. Vicky Margree
University of Brighton

Prof. Susan Marks
London School of Economics

Dr. Thomas Marois
SOAS University of London

Prof. Luke Martell
University of Sussex

Dr. Orieb Masadeh-Tate
University of Salford

Prof. Nur Masalha
St Mary's University, Twickenham

Dr. Mazen Masri
City University London

Dr. Dina Matar
SOAS University of London

Dr. Kamran Matin
University of Sussex 

Dr. Susan Matthews
University of Roehampton

Prof. Marjorie Mayo
Goldsmiths University of London

Dr. James McDougall
University of Oxford

Dr. Christophe McGlade
University College London 

Dr. Charlie McGuire
Teesside University 

Prof. Cahal McLaughlin
Queen's University Belfast

Leslie McLoughlin FRGS, FRHistS
University of Exeter

Dr. Patricia McManus
University of Brighton

Prof. Klim McPherson
University of Oxford

Terry Meade
University of Brighton

Dr. Saladin Meckled-Garcia 
University College London

Dr. Sheikh Meeran
University of Bath 

Prof. J.L. Melling
University of Exeter

Prof. Mandy Merck
Royal Holloway University of London

Prof. István Mészáros
University of Sussex

Dr. Alessandra Mezzadri
SOAS University of London

Prof. Susan Michie AcSS
University College London

Dr. Linda Milbourne
Birkbeck University of London

Prof. Sara Mills
Sheffield Hallam University

Prof. Anthony Milton
University of Cambridge

Dr. Radmila Mileusnic
The Open University 

Prof. Tariq Modood
University of Bristol 

Prof. David Mond
University of Warwick

Dr. Claire Moon
London School of Economics

Dr. John Moore
Newman University

Prof. Bart Moore-Gilbert
Goldsmiths University of London

Dr. Farhang Morady
University of Westminster

Dr. Carlo Morelli
Dundee University

Dr. John Moreton
University of Leeds

Prof. Catherine Moriarty
University of Brighton

Dr. Dalia Mostafa
University of Manchester

Dr. Mariam Motamedi Fraser
Goldsmiths University of London

Prof. Clément Mouhot
University of Cambridge

Prof. Martha Mundy
London School of Economics

Prof. Karma Nabulsi
University of Oxford

Prof. Khalid Nadvi
University of Manchester

Dr. Shuruq Naguib
Lancaster University

Prof. Mica Nava
University of East London

Dr. Nadia Naser-Najjab
University of Exeter

Dr. Marjin Nieuwenhuis
University of Warwick

Dr. Michael Neu
University of Brighton

Prof. Iver Neumann
London School of Economics

Dr. Helene Neveu Kringelbach
University College London

Dr. Elizabeth New
Aberystwyth University

Prof. Darren Newbury
University of Brighton

Prof. Tim Niblock
University of Exeter

Dr. Lucy Noakes
University of Brighton

Dr. Jacob Norris
University of Sussex

Prof. Christopher Norris
Cardiff University

Dr. Paolo Novak
SOAS University of London

Oonagh O'Brien
Queen Margaret University

Dr. Paul O'Connell
SOAS University of London

Dr. Deirdre O'Neill 
Brunel University

Dr. Des O'Rawe
Queen's University Belfast 

Anthony O'Tierney
University of Leicester 

Dr. Ruth Ogden
Liverpool John Moores University 

Dr. Uriel Orlow
University of Westminster

Dr. Lesley Orr
University of Edinburgh

Prof. Audrey Osler
University of Leeds

Charlie Owen
University College London

Ian Pace
City University London

Dr. Maia Pal
Oxford Brookes University

Prof. Ilan Pappe
University of Exeter

Prof. Ian Parker
University of Leicester 

Prof. Martin Parker
University of Leicester

Prof. Benita Parry
University of Warwick

Dr. Diana Paton
Newcastle University

Prof. David Pegg
University of York

Dr. Luis Perez-Gonzalez
University of Manchester

Dr. Sarah Perrigo
University of Bradford

Prof. Andreas Philippopoulos- Mihalopoulos
University of Westminster

Prof. Alison Phipps
University of Glasgow

Prof. Sol Picciotto
Lancaster University

Dr. Linda Pickard 
London School of Economics

Dr. Michael Pierse
Queen's University Belfast

Dr. Silvia Posocco
Birkbeck University of London

Prof. Malcolm Povey
University of Leeds

Dr. Nicola Pratt
University of Warwick

Dr. Claudia Prestel
University of Leicester

Owen Price
University of Manchester 

Dr. Mezna Qato
University of Cambridge

Dr. Fahid Qurashi
Canterbury Christ Church University

Prof. William Raban
University of the Arts London

Prof. Shirin M. Rai FAcSS
University of Warwick

Prof. Tariq Ramadan
University of Oxford

Dr. Anandi Ramamurthy
Sheffield Hallam University

Dr. Rupert Read
University of East Anglia

Prof. Dee Reynolds
University of Manchester

Paul Reynolds
Edge Hill University

Prof. Sajjad Rizvi
University of Exeter

Prof. Chris Roberts
University of Manchester

Prof. Bill Rolston
Ulster University

Prof. Caroline Rooney
University of Kent

Prof. Hilary Rose
University of Bradford

Prof. Steven Rose
Open University

Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead
London School of Economics

Dr. Chris Rossdale
University of Warwick

Dr. Anita Rupprecht
University of Brighton

Dr. Lucie Ryzova
University of Birmingham

Prof. Alfredo Saad Filho
SOAS University of London

Prof. Louisa Sadler
University of Essex

Prof. Myriam Salama-Carr
University of Manchester

Dr. Gabriela Saldanha
University of Birmingham

Prof. Abdel Salhi
University of Essex

Dr. Ruba Salih
SOAS University of London

Prof. Andrew Samuels
University of Essex

Prof. Stella Sandford
University of Kingston

Dr. Julian Saurin
University of Sussex

Dr. Eurig Scandrett
Queen Margaret University

Prof. Andrew Schaap
University of Exeter

Dr. Tatjana Schneider
University of Sheffield

Dr. Gill Scott
University of Brighton

Prof. Phil Scraton
Queen's University Belfast

Prof. Richard Seaford
University of Exeter

Dr. David Seddon
University of Exeter

Prof. Jan Selby
University of Sussex

Prof. Richard Sennett
London School of Economics

Dr. Arianne Shahvisi
Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Dr. Abdul Shaikh
University of Leeds

Prof. Tim Shallice FRS
University College London

Prof. Suleiman Sharkh
University of Southampton

Dr. Debra Benita Shaw
University of East London

Prof. Ludi Simpson
University of Manchester

Dr. Subir Sinha SOAS
University of London

Prof. David Slater
Loughborough University

Prof. Rex Smith
University of Leeds

Prof. John Smith
University of East London

Dr. Graham Smith
University of Manchester

Prof. Neil Smith FBA
University College London

Dr. Rasha Soliman
University of Leeds

Prof. Corinne Squire
University of East London

Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Courtauld Institute of Art

Prof. Guy Standing FAcSS
SOAS University of London

Bernard Sufrin
University of Oxford

Dr. Derek Summerfield
King's College London 

Dr. Anastasia Tataryn
University of Liverpool

Prof. Reza Tavakol
Queen Mary University of London

Sibel Taylor
Oxford Brookes University

Dr. Rosalind Temple
University of Oxford 

Dr. Nick Thoburn
University of Manchester 

Lisa Tilley
University of Warwick

Dr. Richard Todd
University of Edinburgh

Graham Topley
Canterbury Christ Church University 

Dr. Chiara Tornaghi
Coventry University 

Dr. Alberto Toscano
Goldsmiths University of London

Prof. Joy Townsend
LSHTM University of London

Prof. Jules Townshend
Manchester Metropolitan University 

Prof. David Treece
King's College London

Ntina Tzouvala
University of Durham

Prof. Martin Upchurch
Middlesex University 

Prof. Mathias Urban
University of Roehampton

Prof. Michael Ussher
St George's University of London

Dr. Robert van der Meer
University of Strathclyde 

Dr. Rashmi Varma
University of Warwick

Dr. Khursheed Wadia
University of Warwick

Prof. Vron Ware
Kingston University

Dr. Jonathan Watson
University of Brighton

Prof. Janet Watson
University of Leeds

Prof. John Weeks
SOAS University of London

Prof. Eyal Weizman
Goldsmiths University of London

Prof. Robert West
University College London

Dr. Tony Whelan 
London School of Economics

Prof. David Whyte
University of Liverpool

Prof. David Wield
Open University

Prof. John Wilkins
University of Exeter

Prof. Eddie Williams
Bangor University

Prof. Patrick Williams
Nottingham Trent University

Dr. Alastair Wilson
University of Birmingham

Dr. Kalpana Wilson
London School of Economics

Prof. Robert Wintemute
King's College London

Dr. Jamie Woodcock
University of Leeds

Dr. Naomi Woodspring
University of the West of England 

Dr. Steve Wright
Leeds Beckett University 

Dr. Veli Yadergi
SOAS University of London

Dr. Waseem Yaqoob
University of Cambridge

Jim Zacune
Staffordshire University 

Dr. Mark Zeitoun
University of East Anglia

Tutti i firmatari agiscono a titolo personale. Invitiamo i nostri colleghi accademici in tutto il Regno Unito ad unirsi a noi aggiungendo i loro nomi a questo impegno personale. È possibile farlo, e trovare ulteriori informazioni, visitando il


Traduzione di Angelo Stefanini