Boicottaggio, Disinvestimento e Sanzioni per i diritti del popolo palestinese.

As Palestinians continue to resist the increasingly oppressive policies of colonization, military occupation, and apartheid by the most right-wing and racist government in Israel's history, effective solidarity with their struggle for freedom, justice, and equality continues to grow.

More than 300 businesses, cultural and sports associations, trade unions, and movements throughout Italy have declared themselves Israeli Apartheid Free Zones and pledged to fight all forms of racism and discrimination.

It is a concrete response to Israel's massacres, siege and land theft against the Palestinian people that have intensified in recent months. Since just the beginning of this year, apartheid Israel has killed at least 158 Palestinians, including many children. During its recent attack against Jenin, Israel killed twelve Palestinians, including four children, and injured 143 others. Hundreds of houses, roads, water and sewage networks were destroyed or damaged, and some 3,000 Palestinians were displaced during the assault.

Israeli Apartheid Free Zones support the global Palestinian-led struggle to dismantle Israeli apartheid and settlement colonialism. More than 250 international civil society organizations, including many Apartheid Free Zones, have signed a letter calling on the UN General Assembly to reactivate the Special Committee Against Apartheid and other mechanisms to investigate Israeli apartheid as a first and necessary step toward its dismantling.

Hundreds of members of parliament and 10 former presidents from the Global South, Israeli and international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, all agree with what Palestinian human rights experts and organizations have been saying for decades: Israel is perpetrating the crime against humanity of apartheid against the Palestinian people. Under international law, it is a legal obligation for states and interstate organizations, particularly the United Nations, to take action to eliminate the crime of apartheid wherever it occurs.

With our effective solidarity and concrete actions, we can help end apartheid.

Let’s expand and strengthen the network of Apartheid Free Zones!