Boicottaggio, Disinvestimento e Sanzioni per i diritti del popolo palestinese.

Versione italiana

The European convention for ReMax, the global real estate network selling homes in Israeli settlements, was held in Rome, Italy. RomeAgainstReMax mobilized for two days of actions. For more information on the international campaign, see RemodelReMax

October 18, RomeAgainstReMax occupied a ReMax agency protesting the company's complcity with the Israeli occupation. ReMax sells homes in illegal Israeli settlements built on land stolen from Palestinians. Settlements are a violations of international law. Not only is ReMax complicit with the Israeli occupation, it also makes a profit from it.

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October 19, activists met ReMax real estate agents at the welcoming cocktail. Hundreds of letters were hand delivered to the agents urging them to contact the central offices and request they end sales of settlement properties. Download the letter and deliver it to ReMax offices near you. 

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Roma Contro ReMax