
On November 18, the Political Science Department of the University of Perugia hosted a debate on the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Scheduled to speak were Stephanie ...
BDS Italy expresses its unequivocal and absolute condemnation of the shameful posters plastered around the city of Rome by the neo-fascist group Militia, as well as the general cooptation of the Palestinian ...
On August 5, a group of anti-fascist activists in solidarity with Palestine paid a visit to HP headquarters in Rome to denounce the computer company’s complicity with the occupation and apartheid policies ...
BDS Italy press release False attribution of Jerusalem as Israeli capital scrubbed from World Expo 2015 web site Following the press release by BDS Italy, the designation of Jerusalem as Israel's capital ...
On Thursday, May 29, with 25 meters of signatures, the resounding NO to Italian cooperation with Israeli water company Mekorot was taken to Rome City Hall. The 7114 signatures on the petition against the ...
Letter from BDS Italy to the Ambassador of Palestine to Italy Dear Ambassador, We are writing to you as BDS Italia to express our shock and profound concern over the arrest of four of our fellow BDS ...
Sign the petition calling on Italian water utility ACEA to terminate the agreement with Israel's national water company Mekorot, responsible for serious violations of international law and human rights. ...
BDS Italy launches "Fields of Tomorrow? Fields of Apartheid," a video spoof contest to expose the true face of Israel at Expo 2015 In the video presentation of its pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan, Israel ...
Petition signed by over 4000 people and endorsed by trade unions, public water movements and the mayor of Naples. Palestinian civil society groups call for respect of obligations under of international ...